Our learner management system that we use is called HERO that was introduced in our first newsletter and information emailed to parents and caregivers.
Please follow the information on the next few pages to set HERO up for your family.
You will immediately be able to see:
- Community notices which will become our most important means of communication between home and school.
- Attendance information.
- Financial information
You will also be able to see some “pages.” We will explain the intended purpose of these pages over the remainder of the term as they are introduced to your child.
The link below this will take you to the log in page for parents on a PC.
Alternatively, you can download the HERO Linc-ED app from the app store. It will look like this. If you experience any issues with the log on – please contact the school on admin@taradaleint.school.nz. This usally means we have an incorrect email address for you.