Daily Notices

Friday 27th February

Boy's Futsal


Please check the team lists for this trial on the hall foyer window.


Mrs Gray.

Ki o Rahi

Trials today after lunch time eating. Please wait quietly in the shade under the trees by the Ki o Rahi field. Please only those who have already registered to play.

 Friday week 4

Paris Art Deco Competition.

To the 6 children who have entered the Paris Art Deco art competition, you are able to pick up your canvases from the CAN building( 16 Bryon Street) when you can.

thanks Mrs Brinsley

Dance- Shrek

Wanting to audition for a dancer for Shrek? Come and learn the dances.

Tuesday the 4th of March- General Dancer: In the hall

Wednesday 5th of March- Tap (bring your tap shoes): In the PAC

Any questions, come and see Mrs Wadsworth in Room 2

Quick Rip

Quick rip trials will be held before school at 8am on the following dates

Wednesday 5th of March 

Wednesday 12th of March

Must attend both trials in order to be considered for the teams.

Friday 28th February

Sports Challenge today in block 3 - remember all your gear plus your workbooks with homework completed.

Friday 28 March

Shrek audition workshop opportunity at lunchtime today:

For those auditioning for leads or singing minors: we are teaching the song most of you will choose for your second audition piece today at lunchtime. This will suit anyone wanting to audition for Shrek, Donkey, Fairytale Creatures, Pinocchio, Gingy, Farquaad, or the Ogre Family. 

See you in room 17 after sit down lunch.  


Third trial to be held on Tuesday 4 March at lunchtime.  Don't forget to bring boots or sneakers and a drink bottle.  Call back list below ...

Ella Schrama

Meela Neo

Emily Fulton

Lucy Hutchinson

Sophia McHale

Willow Hambleton


Kohu Grace

Kera O’Brian

Brooklyn O’Connor

Izzy Good

Harper Bernie

Samantha Clarke

Maddie Neo

Frankie Fussell


McKenzie Baxter

Charlotte Hyde-Hills

Jazz Hammond

Emme Birch


ALL audition information is now available here

You will find:

- Audition scripts

- Dance videos

- Vocal and backing versions of the songs

Each of these areas have an instruction sheet which should help answer all your questions. If you are still not sure about something, you can ask at audition workshops next week. Keep reading the notices to know when these are. 

Happy practicing! Remember to fill in your audition forms by 10th March. 

Monday 3rd March & Tuesday 4th March - Volleyball

Game times for Round 3:

Stars, Blockers & Spikers 5.10pm & 5.45pm

Setters, Aces, Hitters, Volleys & Strikers 4.00pm & 4.35pm

Reminder: We are very lucky to have parents and teachers that are giving up their time to run team practices each week.  Please ensure that you attend these to practice the key skills required to play the game!

Week 5: Monday to Wednesday - Basketball Coaching Sessions with Ryder

Meet on the turf after school, ready to start at 3.15pm - you do have a practice this Wednesday 5th March.

Weekly Notices

Longer term, weekly notices will be here. Don't forget to check the notices daily so you don't miss out!

Mrs Woolley and Pastoral Care

Did you know Mrs Woolley has an email address?

It is ineedhelp@taradaleint.school.nz

This the best way to let Mrs Woolley know you need to have a chat!

Week 4/5


Are you keen in applying to be a Kaitiaki at te Kura Takawaenga o Ōtātara.  Mr Hantz will be sharing more at our first kura assembly next week.  Make sure you tune in!

So, what is a Kaitiaki? At TIS a Kaitiaki is a leader who has many capabilities, has a service ethic, and who is a great role model. Our Kaitiaki will need to be confident in their opinions, be able to gain information from their classmates and who want to make positive change. As that Kaitiaki you will meet with TIS kaiako on regular occasions.  A Kaitiaki must have mana, and that is a very different thing to being popular! Yes, you have to be committed; which means that you must commit to possible before and after school hui.

This is an opportunity for Year 7s and Year 8s to apply for!

Tune in for more!

Innovation Reminder

It has been fabulous to see almost every learner coming over to Toi Hangarau and Raranga prepared and ready to learn. Well done Raranga people for wearing those hard-covered shoes.

There are a few ākonga who need to remember to bring their pencil classes from classrooms. Please talk about this as a class and make a plan to help everyone remember their pencil cases -  then we can get straight into our learning on IP mornings.

Thanks, The IP teachers

Week 5

Shrek audition information is now available on THIS PAGE of the website. The link to register for an audition is at the top of this page. This needs to be filled in by March 10th. 

Great to see everyone at our learning session yesterday. If you missed this don't worry, we will have another one. Keep an eye on the notices for audition workshops where we will teach you what you need to do for your audition and answer all of your questions. 

Minecraft Club
Lunchtime on Tuesdays after lunch eating in the Digi Den
All students who are wanting to attend Minecraft club this will only be on a Tuesday moving forward.
Reminder students must have Minecraft already installed and sign in on their own device.

Ki o Rahi

For those interested in playing Ki o rahi for the school please add you name to the link below. Trials will be Thursday and Friday at lunch time.
Play Ki o Rahi

Quick Rip

Quick rip trials will be held next week TBC but please register to play below so MAtua Simon is aware of how many numbers are interested. We will be entering a boys and girls team.

Quick Rip